Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back To Work

I have to go back to work today, I also have to see if I can change my hours, again, to work with my daycare. My oldest is having trouble getting along with another little girl. The other little girl starts the fights and etc. everytime, thats why I'm confused why I have to change not the other mother. I'm so stressed out because I can't afford to cut my hours, I have a new car payment and insurance payment I have to take care of. I guess I'm going to have to start looking for another babysitter...

Well, the boyfriend did make it home. It took them longer to track the Mountain Lion than they thought. The snow was to deep too make good time.

Yesterday the boyfriend and I decided that in April we are going to go to Mesquite or Vegas for a few days without the girls. We invited a couple to go with us, so hopefully they can make it. I was teasing him the other night saying if we end up in Vegas we should go get married! He really didn't say anything, but it was funny anyways! It'll happen one of these days! No rush!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Vacation plans always help. Something to look forward to.