Monday, February 25, 2008

My Boring Life

Its been almost a week since Ive wrote last and I still don't have anything exciting going on in my life. Next month I have to go to Meeker for a week for stupid Bankers Training, I don't know what I'm going to do for a week without the boyfriends and without the girls! Maybe I'll go to the Rec Center and run on the treadmill every night after class, humm.

I have some bad news too, I have to take my car to the shop already next week. My check engine light is on and its running really rough when I'm stopped at a red light or a stop sign. I really hope that my new vehicle doesn't turn out to be a bigger headache then my little car was.

I hate that my mom is gone! I haven't talked to her in a couple days and that's a long span for us! We usually talk everyday, two-three times a day. So I can't wait for her to come home. I think if shes not to busy the girls and I will go visit her this weekend, plus I need to get my Girl Scout Cookies from my sister!

Sorry my life's just not that exciting at the moment! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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