Sunday, May 4, 2008

So Long...

WOW! I haven't had a chance to sit down and do anything here lately. We've been trying to get things organized to place our house on the market this summer, but the problem is, it just won't stop snowing! On MAY 1st, we got another foot of snow! Its crazy, I know, but hey, I do live 15 minutes from Wyoming! :)

Anyways, Kaci is now 9 months old! She's crawling and trying to pull up on the couches to stand. I can't believe she's going to be one in 3 months already! Katee is going to preschool now and she really enjoys it. Time goes so fast!

The boyfriend and I are also doing great these days still. We haven't had any problems with the crazy bitch and everything is perfect! A year ago today I left him...I was 7 months pregnant with our second child, and everything was miserable. I didn't know anybody in this town, I stayed home 24/7 and the boyfriend was sneaking and lying to me and hanging out with the crazy bitch every chance he got. But before I make him sound like an asshole, he's really grown up since then, he's actually a great person. He was just confused, we have been together since he was 17 years old, had our first child when he was 19, and then, he was 21 and getting ready to have another child, buying our first house and taking care of everything on his own. I think he just wanted to be a child for a while. Its still no excuse, because women have to grow up and mature a hell of a lot faster then they do, the day we find out we're pregnant our lives have to completely change at that moment. Sometimes I wish I could be a normal 22 year old, I wish I would've went to college, played softball for another 4 years, became a teacher, etc... but I wouldn't give my girls up for any of it. Their father realized how much of an idiot he was being the day I had Miss Kaci Lynn. Seeing his girls together made him see how much he needed his family, and ever since then, he's back to his normal self. We are extremely young and have already gone through so much for our ages but I think if we work hard enough, we will make it. I love him, our girls, and our life. I definitely don't take things for granted anymore.

Well, its actually suppose to be nice today and all our snow melted yesterday, maybe I'll take the girls for a walk to the park and have a picnic, it is Sunday and daddy's working, we'll have a girls day out! I'll try to keep up with this more, but I have a lot going on in my life just keep checking in!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Good to hear you again :)